My process is simple. I don’t worry about scrapping sequentially, I don’t have to document every single day or funny thing that happens.. That puts unneeded pressure on me, I have THREE kids, I am a busy (single!) working mom. That’s enough pressure ;)  I just want to enjoy the process of creating. For me, it has always been about the photos.. Creating a layout that really showcases amazing photos has become somewhat of a work of art for me. Who doesn’t love amazing photos of their kids? To be able to create these treasures for my children, and someday their children is one of my favorite hobbies.

It’s exciting to me when I can create a masterpiece that uses color & good design with journaling and my favorite photos to create my own personal treasure. Every layout I create uses my own art so, for me, that creates an even a greater legacy for me & my family.  The icing on the cake? To be able to assist others in creating their own beautiful treasures. Little Dreamer is my platform to share my art and hopefully inspire others to create their own beautiful works of art. Thanks so much for looking!